For once, this winter sounds like spring to me because my summer and autumn felt like an enormous cold wave, like the hurricane Sandy was constantly raging around me.
But it's gone now, I finally feel relieved and grown up, centered and ready to make it happen, encore et encore!!!

And guess who is coming to announce me the official return of the sun in my life??? My mum, yes, my mummy, ma maman cherie!!!
It's going to be sooooo good to be in her arms, to cry of joy together!!! I didn't see her for more than year! And Lilie-Mercredi is going to be soooo happy!!! She is going to show off so much!!!
I'm so excited, but also a little stress, because, my mum is a real queen and everything needs be ULTRA CLEAN, IMMACULATE!!!! NO JOKE, HERE!!!! And since I finally emptied my storage today, there is clothes and products everywhere!!! C'est la merde!!!