Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Me by Pascal Bernier

My hall at night

no turning back
My collar teets
 Here are my 3 favorite pictures from that night my dear Pascal Bernier. 
 It took me more than a month after the shooting during that very crazy night for posting them, some kind of a renaissance. I want to thank you, they are really me.
 I know I shouldn't be scared of the dark, I live mostly at night and she suits me so well.
 I love going out, everybody knows it, receiving friends at home, having fun, forgetting the hard days, the harsh light of the cold or hot city weather.
 Candles, music and cigarettes are part of those intimate moments at night when you decide to let go a bit more and divulge your secrets...
I get inspired at night, I meet all the persons I want to see during the day ( who are only a few), I also build up a lot of projects and if I wake up and I feel they shouldn't be done, then the night gave me again her best advice...
Nuit mon amour, je suis a toi.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Good morning NY!

Last day of NY FW, and I want to say THANK YOU!!!! BYE BYE WANNABES!!! Go to London and see if I'm around!!!

I maybe sound bitter, but I have been sick for the past 2 days and realized  how exhausting it is to be efficient night AND day, it's impossible!!! People who tells me they are out and about, are just rich kids, buying clothes and spending money all around.

I'm about to launch my artistic agency website this week-end  LAMAUD.COM and if I go party at night, I'm not efficient the morning after that... stop bullshitting!
And working it's not posting Instagram pictures and taking yourself for a photographer or even a trendsetter !!! But to make things happen, to help talents finding their ways (in my case it is since I'm an agent).

I'm a young mum, a wife, an agent and I try to be a good friend as well... This is a lot when you are doing it alone without the help of a rich family or simply trying to do it on your own without excluding those important priorities in order to stay REAL!!!

So like I always say, making a life, takes a life and not just a picture on Facebook featuring you at a super cool fashion party during FW, everybody can do that, everybody can sneak in... But lasting in this industry request sacrifices and real talent.

So don't make a full of yourself, accept to take risks and create your own world, make your vision appears to the world with time and effort. Love what you do and keep some time to step back and ask yourself, "Do I really contribute to make this world a better and honest place like the people who really have something to say?" or " Do I just hang around everywhere in order to make myself feel alive?"

Good night Fashion Week... And good morning reality of NY!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Ok, I had a "SuperMegaCoolDay" with my Lilie-Mercredi, playing, except she kind of pee'd on me, I tried not to laugh about but I did and we couldn't stop laughing because whoo! This was not a little pee pee.

Hum... Let's go back to my little critic of today, I was like... should I or should I not just like with Lilie today.

But who cares! Except the people who are making it anyway for us to be critic about it, no?

So here it is:

Yes, I like CARINE ROITFELD, there is something sadistic and tragic about her, maybe the black eyes which you can't really see or maybe the constant high heels... And HERSELF MAGAZINE is a wonderful idea to finally give some cool credit to illustrators... but aren't we serious here?
I can't really imagine myself wearing any cool accessories or fashion pieces of clothes on a drawn woman looking like Cinderella... and there are so many talented photographers starving out there and starving models as well, do we really need to just dedicated a magazine to the already super' rich' famous' and "If I was more recognized in what I do, I will literally loose my head?".
It's a bit "pussy style" to me, a way to stay friendly with all the magazines and being a bit scared of being compared...
What makes the game even better is the competition! It keeps you good and on your toes!!! So don't be scared of being YOURSELF dear Carine!

Monday, September 3, 2012

God save the queen!!!

First, I'm not a big fan of the UK, I love a nice short week-end in London under the rain, but i'm a far bigger fan of my grey weather in Brittany, forever in love with my French West-Coast, of course!!!! So, anyway, I'm not here to talk about the weather but about one of my latest and saddest english discovery: RITA ORA. I discover her on, in 31 days of style with the singer RITA ORA. God save the queen!!! Seriously? First she has horrible yellowish hair combined with a black skin full of pimples or let's say not luminous... not particularly tall neither super curvy. I'm telling myself ok, she is a singer, so let's not be too hard, I didn't go to Europe for more than 3 years, I maybe can't understand... She is the new british phenomena! So I go on Spotify, type her name, only one playlist, I'm like weird for the new big musical stuff in the UK... so I click on it and, I see only one title, entitled  "How do we (party)", so I click on it, and start hearing, " Party and bullshit .."by Notorious B.I.G!!!! Stop the massacre!!! How can his label authorize this horror!!!!! The song and her voice, is not even close to be a pale copy of Ke$ha, and her name at least was showing clearly which was her interest in the musical industry from the beginning... So let me tell you, first VOGUE shouldn't allow everything because it makes money or a TWITTER following, it is so disappointing to see how easily you can be famous, FAME DOESN'T MEAN TALENT! Good night my dearzzz...