I'm working on my website right now which will be online I hope before NY Fashion Week this September, and I asked all photographers and people I've worked with to send me the pictures that I didn't have or lost... and I just received those pictures from photographer and best friend CAMELIA MENARD, who is just an amazing beautiful blond girl who became one the most accomplished photographer in just 3 years!!! We did this shooting in Central Park with model SIMONA ANDREJIC from MARILYN AGENCY.

I was 6 month pregnant at that time and running all around with my suitcases full of clothes and accessorizes. I loved styling that shoot, first because I didn't see Camelia for ages and also because Simona was just the easiest and most beautiful girls I have seen for a long time!!! Her face is just so different but never weird always chic and perfectly in phase with the emotion of the moment.

So I wanted to share with you this warm and sunny day in Central Park last autumn in New-York city and now I feel less worried and pretty excited about the next one when I see all the beautiful projects I have to work on during this busy season!